Business Storage In Rotherham – A New Case Study

As part of our ‘Customer Focus’ series, this week we are highlighting another one of the many businesses that use our services. This time, it’s the turn of ‘Shiraz Shic’, who specialise in selling Oriental antiques, and who use our Rotherham self storage site.

Shiraz Shic – How They Use The Store Room

To explain how they use our services, who better than the Managing Director of the business herself! Here is what she had to say about their working relationship with The Store Room:

Shiraz Shic Interiors been using The Store Room in Rotherham for almost two years now. When we decided to order a 40 ft container full of Chinese Antiques and home decor pieces, we needed somewhere that had good access for the lorry to pull up whilst we unloaded the huge container. Not only did The Store Room at Rotherham have a huge area for unloading, it was easy to access from the motorways. We were impressed by the safe and secure service provided, which is why we chose The Store Room over several other storage businesses in the county.

The prices are very reasonable for the various rooms we have had, from a small 100 sq ft room to the large 250 sq ft rooms.The staff are extremely friendly and are always giving us a hand to load and unload. The number of times they’ve lent me the scissors! Thank you to Laura, Lucy and the team for providing the logistics for our business to grow.”

First of all, thank you very much to Anna for her feedback on our service. The flexibility of up-sizing and downsizing in storage space to meet different business needs at different times, and the ease of accessibility to self storage areas, are things that many businesses highlight as key benefits of what we offer.

Special Offers & TV Exposure

Currently, the Shiraz Shic has a sale on offering a third off Chinese antique furniture as well as up to 10% off French style ‘Shabby Chic’ furniture. We encourage you to take a look at what they offer, either in person in their store at 36 High Street, Rotherham – or online on their website at

They are also due to be featured in an episode of ‘Peter Andre’s 60 minute Make Over’ – which will be airing on ITV on 11 November 2013 – be sure to check that out if you can!

That’s all from us for this week in Customer Focus – check back soon for more self storage customers in focus!

If you would like more information on the options available at our Rotherham self storage site, please give the local team a call on 01709 367 289.