Remote and hybrid working has become increasingly popular, and doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere, any time soon. Whilst most people can work from home quite easily (all you really need is your laptop), if this is something that you will be doing long term, it may be time to invest in upgrading your work from home set-up. Our Leicester self storage team have come up with some great ideas to improve your remote working set up.


ergonomic desk chair

Invest in a Comfortable Chair

One of the most important investments you can make for your work-from-home setup is a comfortable chair. Look for a chair that provides adequate support for your back and is adjustable to fit your body.


Upgrade Your Desk

A sturdy desk that is the right height for you can make a big difference in your comfort and productivity. Consider investing in an adjustable desk that can be raised or lowered as needed to ensure that your computer screen is at eye level. You could also upgrade to an electric desk that allows you to stand, or even walk while working!


Improve Your Lighting

Poor lighting can strain your eyes and lead to headaches. Invest in a good quality desk lamp or add an adjustable light to your setup to ensure that you have adequate lighting while you work.


Laptop and additional monitor

Get an Additional Monitor

Adding a monitor to your setup can help to increase your screen real estate, allowing you to work more efficiently. Make sure that the monitor is the right size for your needs and has a good resolution.


Invest in Good Headphones

If you work in a noisy environment, good headphones can help you to focus and eliminate distractions. Look for headphones that have noise-cancelling features and are comfortable to wear for extended periods of time.


Improve Your Internet Connection

A slow or unreliable internet connection can be a major source of frustration while working from home. Consider upgrading your internet plan or using a wired connection instead of Wi-Fi to improve your connection.


Invest in a Good Keyboard and Mouse

A good keyboard and mouse can make a big difference in your comfort and productivity. Look for a keyboard that has comfortable keys and a mouse that is ergonomically designed for your hand.


Coworking at Leicester

Alternatively, if you would prefer to keep some separation between your work life and your home life, perhaps you could find a coworking space near you. The Store Room has a flexible coworking space at our Leicester site and it’s a great environment to allow you to focus and get some hard work done.